Tuesday 28 June 2011

Is it summer now ??

 well i think its summer now.
hope so anyway the plants are loving it but so are those darm bugs the b*"**""s. been hit with green fly black fly and those pretty yet destructive white butterfly's (or should i say there darling children the catapillers).going to make up netting next week ready for when the next lot of purple sprouting broccoli,callbrise ,swede and turnips go out ..loving the callbrise as you can see on the right there growing realy well and we have already had three meals from three plants with about ten left to head and then we will have the side shoots that should produce a good meal or two..must say of all that i have had from the garden this year the calbrise have been my fav..we had some for tea last week and the taste was like nothing iv ever had  SO SO SO MUCH FLAVOUR.

also my savoy and sweat heart cabbage are finely heading and looking yummy the primo took a bit of a kit by the afore mentioned butterflys ting green assassins but there is about five left that are heading up quite well.so im happy with my success rate in my first year of growing brasssica,s and have learnt alot ready for the brussels and psb gowing in next also found so courgettes growing under left cabbages i removed yesterday that had been sown in feb and i thought were done for after about two months of nothing appearing.

 so it looks like we will be eating lots of courgettes this year as the three we have in the green house at the mo are doing brill and i shall be hardening them of soon as the temp has finnaly risen .
left are the other callbrise .a little behind the bigger one above but doing great these are developing much larger heads than the early ones we picked ,so broccoli and stilton soup soon one of my favs.

 right are the first lot of tomatoes that are growing very well now with the extra heat and now they have been potted on by there negletfull  owner .if only i could stop the children battering them with the football. i have about ten more to come out that are two foot tall now in the green house and then about six in small pots and ten more cutting in water rooting .dam tomatoes and there side shoots i just cant let i side shoot die after i remove them and at this rate we wont have any room left in the garden (but we will have plenty of tomato sauce to go with the bloody courgettes i suppose)
not sure what is wot here i know when they are bigger though as they have started to flower in the warm weather and even a few bean here i have french,runner and broad .
 these flowered a little earlier and i think there runner beans as i tasted one last night and while it tasted nice it did have that slight bitter after taste of a runner.
you can also see that the snails are loving the bean to but the beans seem to be coping fine with the unwanted attention and im pretty sure they are big enough now to cope with it .i am also growing dawarw fench beans and have just sowed a seconed lot witch are growing well as i dont have a ot of room for trailling plants and we have started to get some beans on them now
 seconed lot of strawbs growing in hagging baskets to keep away the mouses or rats that were knoring at the other  i moved ..the older ones in pots i gave a serious hair cut yesterday as they seemed to have some kind of leaf rust and have a bit of a black fly problem so today i will try some soapy water on them .put some straw down aswell as we lost a lot of strawbs to rot were they were on the soil and they ba quick feed and a bit of bone,blood,fish. fertaliser to perk them up and maybe we might have this problem sorted.
 bit of a awfull pic of my red barren onions ,im realy proud of these as iv grown them from seed and there starting to swell and look really nice have a few more buckets with them in but there a little bit behind these .
think i will over winter some sets in the raised bed with some leek sealing i started a week ago and garlic too as i didnt realise they need to go out over the winter to cause a chemical reaction to make them split and grow ,hence the ones i tryed in march did nowt....
 the dawrf french beans i mentioned earlyer ding well now in the warmer weather ,i put these in the green house for a while as they were not very happy with the wet cold and windy june we had ..but potatos loved it .still you cant please them all can you ..

we have are second lot of earlys last nicht for tea with  a salad with cucumber from the greenhouse it was so nice on such a hot day..
 carrost carrots carrots
all these are growing so well . still have a second packet to be sowed yet and i cant wait got some realy deep pots for them to go into and see how big i can get them as we have a local horticultral socity that has a show at the end of september and it would be nice to take a few bits down and see how i get on ..fingers crossed..also have parsnips growing but they do not feature at the mo as we do not seem to see eye to eye right now iv sowed to packs so far and only have about 20 come up and grow and iv taken so much care over them.
 hair cut straberries looking a little bit more healthier
bit of a sore point these strawbs as i was expecting a glut of strawbs but if gardening has taught me anything is that you should not expect anythig but be gratfull for for what you get .
courgettes starting to produce a lot now but we seem to have a shortage of boy bit . thirty or so girl bits are growing but only five boy bits ??i shall have to ration the girls time with the boys so not to wear the boys out ..lucky them...sexy time in the steamy green house .
 my very first bell pepper and loads more flowers and forming .they are loving there bigger pots and the sub tropical heat and humidity of the gh..have about six bell peppers and another six seedlings taht are much happer out of the peat pots a germinated them in also germinated chilles abourgenes and basil and since repotting them in potts they have put on real growth spurs so dont think i will be useing the peat pots again  as the seedlings reaky didnt seem happy.
 more cucks almost readys .had two from the plant so far and these are not to far of .and now iv started to pick them the others seem to be thicking up to now so i must sa y a thank you to potstubsanddustbins on the vine forum for that peace of advise..thank you colin..
basil growing well now there out of those dam peat pots ,,well i think that it for now ..
so as usual i hope i didnt bore and you enjoyed reading this fresh instalment of my garden highs and lows ...T.T.F.N..

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